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Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking is one of the most expensive and memorable safari activities on the African continent. Though gorillas can be found in more than five African countries, there are only three countries in the whole world where you can find the endangered mountain gorillas.

Rwanda happens to be one of those three countries in the whole world where you can come face to face with mountain gorillas. Out of these three countries, it is only Rwanda and Uganda that are currently secure enough politically to allow gorilla trekking to go on with ease.

The gorilla trekking experience is more less the same given the fact that the forest is shared among three countries and on rare occasions, the mountain gorillas cross the country borders to reasons that are mainly related to their survival as well as family conflicts.

The Land of a Thousand Hills has branded itself as the luxurious gorilla trekking destination on the African continent. This has been achieved through improved accommodation, the road network and improved security in the country.

Rwanda gorilla trekking has a few requirements before anyone includes it on their bucket list. Among these include:

  • The minimum age requirement for gorilla trekking is 15 years
  • You are required to be in possession of a gorilla trekking permit for a specific date. Each gorilla trekking permit for foreign none residents goes for $1500
  • You are required to have some level of fitness. Unlike savannah game drives, gorilla trekking requires you to be willing to walk in the jungle for at least four hours.
  • Pack light so that you do not have to carry much load during your trek
  • Book your accommodation in advance. Whether you intend to spend the night in Kigali or Volcanoes National Park, it is recommended that you book your accommodation in advance

Common Mistakes To Avoid In Regard to Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

Here are some of the common mistakes that people make that usually affects the gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda.

Using a flashlight when taking photos

It is prohibited to take photos with a flashlight during gorilla trekking. This does not only put your life in danger but also the lives of other trekkers. If you forget and keep the flashlight now, the guilt that comes with making that mistake is sometimes unbearable thus ruining your gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda.

Getting Too Close To The Mountain Gorilla

The gorilla trekking guidelines require you to keep a distance of 7 to 10 meters from the mountain gorillas. Unfortunately, during the process of taking photos with the mountain gorillas, some tourists bleach this requirement putting their lives in danger.

Mountain gorillas are very gentle animals, but like any other animal, they will attack to defend themselves in case they feel threatened. You can never know when you are a threat to the animal since these are emotional beings too. It is highly recommended that you stick to the stated gorilla trekking guidelines.


It is highly recommended to carry something to eat during your trek. This sometimes requires you to carry some snacks. Unfortunately, some irresponsible travelers are still littering. Though this might not feel bad on their side, it affects the mood of other travelers who Honor conservation.

Forgetting Your Passport

Your primary identity document is the passport. This is often required before the trek to confirm your identity. If you forget your passport in your hotel, it will delay your gorilla trek and other trekkers since a passport or identity document is a requirement before trekking gorillas.

Trekking With a Cold

No one is allowed to go gorilla trekking with an airborne disease. But sometimes people proceed to gorilla trekking without disclosing that they have cough or a cold. Mountain gorillas have a very close DNA to that of humans implying that they can easily catch diseases from people.

Reporting On a Wrong Date

One of the common mistakes in regard to gorilla trekking is reporting on the wrong trekking date. If you report a day early, that means you can wait if you do not have a flight already arranged for the following day. But if you arrive a day after your specified trekking date, you will be treated as a no show client thus not allowed to trek because your permit will be expired.

In conclusion, Rwanda Gorilla Trekking is a special one given the security in the country, the well organized trekking process as well as the good road network.

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